Support From Employers, Colleagues, and Worker’s Compensation Boards – Cathy


Cathy's boss was angry when she couldn't cope with her job full time.


I realized as soon as I started I was in over my head because I was doing four hours per day. But that’s all I could do. Like, I would come home and go to bed. You know? I couldn’t do anything else. I couldn’t go mail a letter, I couldn’t go and get my groceries, I couldn’t – well, exercising was out of the question … It was only work and go home and try to cope with the symptoms and go back and do it again … The expectation, over two years ago, was you’ll get better and will increase your hours. So my hours were all of a sudden five hours per day. And then they were going to increase to six hours and the months were going by and I realized I wasn’t going to be able to do that. But, to be honest, I was afraid I might lose my job. So I agreed to it. 

They decided, so they could get more out of me, that they would split my shift. So I would come in and work for a couple of hours and then I was to leave the building. And then I would come back. And the six hours was brutal. I had I guess it was an hour gap. And I basically came home and I laid on my bed or on the floor on my yoga mat trying to get the pain under control so I could breathe again to go back to complete my shift … And then when my boss found out the post COVID clinic doctor wanted me off work full time, my boss just screamed at me … I was working doing my best. And then to be treated that way, that was very painful for me.

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